Laura Daelemans
I SOLISTI MakerSpace
Laura Daelemans (°1999) is a graduated dancer and choreographer. She is also a tap dancer and a freelance illustrator. Growing up in a musical family, she started dancing at the age of thirteen. A few years later, she was admitted to the Contemporary Dance program at the !Kunsthumaniora in Antwerp, where she graduated in 2017. In 2021, Laura earned her Bachelor's degree in Dance from ArtEZ University of the Arts in Arnhem, Netherlands. In addition to her studies at ArtEZ, she also attended classes at the Arnhem Theatre School and trained in tap dance.
So far, Laura has created her own works for I SOLISTI (Antwerp), SALLY Dansgezelschap Maastricht, production house De Nieuwe Oost (Arnhem), Daniëlle Huyghe/Strange Strangers (Rotterdam), Companhia Instável (Porto), and Teatro Municipal Do Porto. Her solo performance Total eclipse, created at De Nieuwe Oost in 2020, was featured as part of Moving Futures at De Nijmeegse Kunstnacht in 2021.
Currently, she is part of I SOLISTI MakerSpace, a multi-year maker's program within the I SOLISTI ACADEMY. Additionally, she is creating new performances for various international institutions and occasionally collaborates with other (inter)disciplinary makers.
The Beehive
In The Beehive, a physical and dynamic dance unfolds between three outsiders. When these three characters no longer find their rhythm in the structured chaos of the beehive, they are cast out. Exiled, they learn to live at their own pace, but this creates a butterfly effect that amplifies the state in which they find themselves.
Interview with Laura Daelemans
In our Reflections 2021#3, you can read the double interview with Laura Daelemans and Michèle Delagrange, where they tell about their projects and experiences as emerging artists.

"For me, as a dance artist, it is truly fascinating to have the opportunity to collaborate with live musicians and composers. This is an experience I wouldn't have in a different context, and it adds an invaluable dimension to my work."
— Laura Daelemans -